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Info from Last year's Scavenger Hunt

Position (points) Team Name

1st (146) Sarah's Pussies 🐱

  • Lou
  • Cat
  • Jo
  • Olive

2nd (134) Raiders of the lost Finsbury Park

  • Charlie
  • Mitch
  • Rach
  • Georgia

3rd (122) Pigeon Detectives

  • Anna
  • Connor
  • Hayley
  • Sarah

4th (120) 🤔

  • Alex
  • Josh
  • Nourah

5th (117) The Milton Keens

  • Matt
  • Hannah
  • Farbod
  • Horia

6th (115) Diversity

  • Pav
  • Thomas
  • Jack
  • Naomi

7th (109) The Cock Destroyers

  • Kieran
  • Rob
  • Yaz
  • Henry
  • Marvin 🐶

8th (107) The Von Poodles

  • Richard
  • Katrina
  • Sarah
  • Ayo

9th (89) Maybe Musson's

  • John

10th (77) Beans? Beads? Bees!

  • Jamie
  • Amy
  • Mary
  • Mali

11th (65) Boston Tea Party

  • Jon
  • Malena

12th (24) The Spanish Inquisition

  • Tom

2023 Venue

Be At One Liverpool Street

2023 Spot Challenges

Every hour we sent out a spot challenge to the teams to be completed in 45 minutes

  • Best Graffiti you can find
  • Get to the Highest altitude you can reach
  • Submit a photo of the largest and smallest man made thing - including both in frame entirely!

2023 Prize

Last year's prize
Drawn by Sian Tattoos

2023 Hunt

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